Saturday, February 7, 2009


ways to get food to serve you and your goals?"
I think the food puzzle needs to be unraveled simply and slowly so that our approach is simple but realistic to our lives.
1. Drink only water
According to studies, this would eliminate 20% of our caloric intake and help all of our body functions run more smoothly.
2. Cut down your portions
We all overeat. I'm just saying if you are having that sub at lunch cut it in half. I'ts difficult to do, so halve the food and get it away from you. If it's sitting there you will want to eat it.
3. Don't skip breakfast
You will have a 70% chance of overeating throughout your day if you skip breakfast.

4. Keep a food journal
This will help you see exactly what you are eating and when. You will even be able to see patterns of grabbing food at stressful moments, etc
5. If you can avoid it, don't eat after 7 p.m.
On business dinners or birthday gatherings don't worry about it. But when you can, try to finish eating earlier in the day.
I have some other rules to help you improve your relationship with food.
Don't eat fast food (unless you have no other choice).
Avoid microwaving your meals. Cook it yourself.
Limit tons of sugar and wheat-based products.
No diet, or fat-free, food.
Fill your plate during the day with foods of all colors.
Eat slowly and chew your food well.
Eat when you are hungry and not because you are sad, mad, or stressed out.
Limit your red meat intake.