Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Get More Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

* Breakfast ideas
Slice banana on to cereal, or sprinkle over a handful of berries. Fruitify muesli with half a chopped apple, or some chopped dried apricots or prunes – yes, dried fruits count. Spread mashed banana on to wholewheat toast. Have a glass of fruit juice. Make it more interesting by mixing two types. Whiz up a fruit smoothie with fresh fruits and yoghurt, for a quick, gluggable breakfast.

* Snack sense
Carry fresh fruit and vegetables to cope with snack attacks. Firm varieties, like apples, travel well, or you can pack vegetable sticks – carrot, celery, pepper – or mini fruits like cherries into a little airtight box or ziplock bag. Dried fruits work well, too. A handful of raisins, or a couple of dried apple rings can keep hunger at bay.

* Lunch time suggestions
If you're at home, whip up a quick healthy soup. It takes only a few minutes, and tastes fantastic. Never make a sandwich without adding some salad to it. Put together a nice big mixed salad. Give it substance with avocado, or some cold roasted vegetables. Make your dessert a whole piece of fruit – a succulent pear, a perfectly ripe banana. Try something exotic – a kiwi, a slice of fresh pineapple, a handful of kumquats. Or finish lunch with a crisp slice of watermelon, or a rich and sumptuous piece of mango.

* Dinner time
Add extra fruit and vegetables to meals you already serve. A few tablespoons of sweetcorn on a pizza, steamed broccoli florets on pasta, fruit slices – oranges, peaches – added to salad. Liven up veg by combining two colourful types – baby carrots with peas, chopped cucumber and tomato mixed. Serve raw vegetable sticks as an appetiser, with a low fat dip or homemade hummus. Try some easy healthy apple recipes. If you're in a hurry, buy read-prepared fruit and veg from supermarkets. Fresh fruit salad makes a great dessert, and kids love fruity kebabs.

* Eating out?
You can get fresh fruit and vegetables at restaurants, but watch that they aren't drenched in high-fat dressings or creamy sauces. Look for vegetarian options, or seek out vegetable soups, paninis or wraps. Choose the salad or veg option, rather than the fries, and when you go to the salad bar, pile the veg high, but go easy on the rice and pasta salads, and don't overdo the dressing.

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