Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Health and Nutrition News

Drinking fruit juices reduces risk of developing Alzheimer's disease
So good to hear a piece of news that people can act on, and make a real difference to their health. Research published today in the American Journal of Medicine, reveals that drinking fruit or vegetable juices more than three times a week, reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by 76%. This is true even for people who have a genetic disposition towards this devastating illness.

Do fresh fruit and veg really matter?
Five brothers in their 80s claim never to have eaten fresh veg. 'They're a pain,' said one, who never eats peas because he can't get them on the fork. So is medical science wrong? Are fresh fruit and veg a waste of time? All the evidence says no - perhaps these siblings have particularly strong genes, and aren't predisposed to the cancers which fruit and veg protect against. I'm not giving up my five portions for anyone - quite apart from doing some good, they just taste fantastic.

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